Award winning Sourdough Loaves


Between them, the loaves were awarded 12 prizes at the Scottish Bread Championship 2024

Balcaskie Sourdough

1kg tin £5.45, 600g tin £4.80

This 90% wholemeal loaf is made mostly with wholemeal Balcaskie Landrace wheat flour, a heritage landrace wheat from Scotland The Bread, grown and milled in Fife. The wheats in this mixture were varieties grown in Scotland 200 years ago, before the most recent ‘yield-only’ crop selection took place. This is a flavourful loaf that won Gold for ‘a loaf baked for nutritional qualities’ at this year’s Scottish Bread Championship. The remainder of the flour is organic wheat flour from Mungoswells in East Lothian

House Sourdough

1kg tin £5.50, 600g tin £4.80

Made with 75% brown wheat flour (half way between wholemeal and white) from Mungoswells, and 25% Balcaskie Landrace wholemeal. A flavourful loaf with an open but firm crumb that doesn't tear when you spread your butter thick! Bronze award winner at Scottish Bread Championships 2024

Grainy Sourdough

1kg tin £5.55, 600g round £4.85

Made with 75% brown wheat flour (half way between wholemeal and white) from Mungoswells, and 25% Balcaskie Landrace wholemeal. The nubbly moist texture comes from addition of boiled Balcaskie Landrace wheat, and Evo Rye grains, both diverse crop mixtures grown in Fife for Scotland The Bread.

Country Sourdough or Caraway

700g long hearth loaf, Country £5.10. Caraway, £5.20

This not-quite-white loaf is made with white flour from Mungoswells in East Lothian, blended with Balcaskie Landrace heritage wheat from Scotland the Bread for deeper flavour & nourishment. Awarded Gold at the Scottish Real Bread Championship. It also comes in a caraway version, a lovely earthy flavour popular in German & eastern European breads. Silver award at Scottish Real Bread Champs.

Spelt or Seeded Spelt Sourdough

Plain 900g tin £5.50, plain 500g tin £4.80, Seeded 900g tin £6, Seeded 500g tin £5.

This lovely light loaf is made with brown Spelt flour (half way between wholemeal and white), from Mungoswells in East Lothian. A little Evo Rye flour from Scotland The Bread, and a touch of raisins (blended in) both round out the flavour to make a satisfying eat. The Seeded loaf has a lovely bite and boosts your omega oils, with a blend of organic hemp, linseed and pumpkin seeds.

Raisin & Walnut Sourdough

600g tin £5.75

The deep flavours of the Balcaskie sourdough with all the goodness of it's mineral-rich flour, with added raisins and walnuts and a hint of cinnamon. Breakfast in one? Afternoon snack? You choose.

Order direct, collect at Bruntlands Farm

Email your order to, collect from Bruntlands Farm from 9am on a Friday. Regular weekly orders preferred.

The Phoenix Shop, Findhorn.

Bruntlands Bread is available at The Phoenix from 10am on Fridays.

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Forres Health Food Shop

Bruntlands Bread is available here on Fridays. For a particular loaf, place your order at the shop by 4pm on Tuesday, I will deliver your loaf by 10am on Friday, ready for you to collect. Call: 01309 672 745 or email:

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The Re:Store, Lossiemouth

Bruntlands Bread is available here from 10.30am on Fridays, along with a fantastic range of zero-waste goods including local & organic, supporting us all to make good food with good ingredients, with no packaging waste. It's all important! Contact Alison if you would like to order a particular loaf.

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Elgin Yoga Centre

All round support for the mind & body: order a loaf from me by email, go to yoga with Paul (on a Friday) and pick up your loaf to take home. Perfect!

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Duffus Shop & Post Office

Everything you could wish for in a wee village shop, including fresh Bruntlands Bread from 10am on Fridays.

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Hopeman Costcutter

Bruntlands Bread & buns available here from Ness and her team, from 10.30 on Fridays

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Other outlets coming soon.

If you have an idea of somewhere you would like to be able to buy Bruntlands Bread, please contact me.

ABOUT The Bread imageABOUT The Bread image
Mission: To bake delicious, nourishing bread upon which people can thrive.   To connect people; farmers, growers, millers, bakers, eaters.

I bake using organic flour & grain, grown and milled in Scotland, because in our small country we have wonderful soils that can grow the food we need, in harmony with nature.  I use a lot of heritage flours from Scotland The Bread, because of the flavour, the superior nutrition they bring us, and the vision of living in a place that grows food sustainably, to sustain us all.  I also use organic flour from Mungoswells, in East Lothian.

I bake using the sourdough process; using only flour, water and salt, and the community of micro-organisms (yeasts & lactobacilli) that naturally, slowly ferment this flour.  For me, sourdough is the timeless original way bread was made, I like the pure simplicity of it, not to mention the flavour, nutritional and keeping qualities of the loaves it produces.  Importantly, many people find Real Sourdough Bread (as defined by the Real Bread Campaign, made with only 3 ingredients, flour, water, salt), easier to digest.   Andrew Whitely, who has been championing Real Bread for us all for many years, writes more about the benefits of Real Sourdough here.  

I talk about 'Real Sourdough' because unfortunately it isn't a legal definition so sadly many loaves are being marketed as sourdough that don't meet this basic criteria; they may include any number of additives and yeast (which is not a bad thing in itself), but means they crucially won't have been fermented for long enough for any of the benefits of sourdough to occur. The Real Bread Campaign is working to correct this, to support both bakers and consumers.

If you want to be sure the bread you are buying is Real Bread or Real Sourdough Bread, look for The Loaf Mark, your at-a-glance assurance scheme from baker to buyer.
I like to get the basics right, and then the details can follow.  Eat well, move well, communicate well, and connect with each other.

Bread is one of the basics in our lives that I really believe is worth getting right; it’s not known as the staff of life for nothing.  Delicious and satisfying, bread, in it’s myriad forms, has been fuelling our adventures and endeavours for thousands of years.  

A biologist by training, I left lab research on Malaria for the more flexible ‘cell culture’ of baking. I used to tend my malaria Malaria parasites sometimes day and night; I now nurture my sourdough starter: populations of wild yeasts and bacteria that when treated right, work together to transform flour, water and salt into many varied and nourishing loaves.

I learned to bake wholegrain sourdough from a maverick baker at the (now closed) Steamie Bakehouse in Dunfermline. Using local grains with softer gluten, and baking in his own design of wood-fired oven, ‘The Steamie’ was ahead of it’s time, but it has proved to have been the best grounding in this craft I could have wished for.

Seeking to understand and get involved in changing Scotland’s food system to something that works for everyone and everything in it - the eaters, the farmers, the growers, the cooks and the natural environment in which it all happens, that we are in fact a part of, and not separate to, I worked at Nourish Scotland.  Whilst at Nourish, I met Andrew Whitley and his late wife Veronica Burke as they were dreaming up what would become Scotland The Bread; I joined the board where I have been ever since.  

I love how bread is one lens through which to see the whole food system, and I love the alchemy of making it, that it’s simple to start and make something wonderful, but endlessly engaging to make that particular loaf you are after.  

The connections forged are powerful and important too, through baking I am connected to the landscape, the soil, the changing seasons and my community, near and far.
ABOUT Clare image
  • Bruntlands Farm, Alves, Elgin IV30 8UZ, Scotland